
How can a Modern ECM System, and an innovation culture help your employees adjust to digital transformation?

What once was an option for the most innovative companies, is today a total must, and who stays behind will see a real struggle to survive. Yes… we’re talking about Digital Transformation, and most people are aware that this will eventually happen in their companies. Nonetheless, it’s certain that we’ll still see a generational and regional gap… for a while.

In companies, there are employees that did not grow up surrounded by technologies, and newer ones that never knew a world without them. This causes a big gap amongst companies. If companies want to implement digital transformation successfully, besides systems and workflows, they need to get their employees aligned, so it does not become a barrier.

Why is important to involve everyone in a cooperative Digital Transformation?

Why is important to involve everyone in a cooperative Digital Transformation?

First thing first. Every employee needs to share the company’s purpose. From leadership to front-line, everyone needs to go down the same path. This path is most times shown by mission, vision, and goals. If your mission, vision, and goals are not aligned with digital transformation, something needs to be changed, and your leadership needs to go along with it.

Every employee needs to know why they should care about digital transformation and how that will benefit their daily work. You can always start by educating! Showing what is digital transformation, why every company needs to do it and how does that benefit all the business, could be a starting point. We have several articles regarding this subject matter, feel free to check them in our blog.

Let go of “this is the way things have always been done” mindset!

“This is the way things have always been done” – This mindset is usually found in most of the companies. However, this statement goes against every culture of innovation.

People must have the courage to speak up and cooperate, so you must keep your mind open to other people thoughts and opinions. Digital transformation is all about creating a better future for everyone. Training, collaboration, and involvement are absolute keys. Employees need to feel engaged with the company and valued by leadership.

Texter Blue it’s here to help you implementing easy, intuitive and adaptable tools for your own Digital Transformation

Texter Blue it’s here to help you implementing easy, intuitive and adaptable tools for your own Digital Transformation

Despite of all that, and to help with your own Digital Transformation process, you will not only need the right software, but also great tools to go along, and to empower your Enterprise Content Management System (ECM). Texter Blue develop integrated systems to boost your ECM Systems, and to get all the company along with digital transformation. Let’s check some of them:

Texter Machine Learning (TML) - AI is essential to remain relevant!

Texter Machine Learning (TML) – AI is essential to remain relevant!

Your content and data are the foundation upon which your business operates, and critical decisions are made. Recent advancements in AI in areas such as image and natural language processing have enabled a whole new level of automatic extraction of information and data analysis that power the automation of key business processes not possible until now.

The adoption of AI in modern organisations is essential to remain relevant and competitive, optimising efficiency, empowering new business opportunities and freeing critical human resources to specific value-added tasks.

Texport - A clever digital transformation.

Texport – A clever digital transformation.

Texport introduces a new mindset for upgrades and content transfer, we’ve developed a solution that exports and imports at object level supporting all Alfresco (as well as other ECM’s) object types and it carries the symbology of true export.

Texport provides the opportunity to implement a clever digital transformation to the way the organisation interacts with their digital content, consolidating and enriching data – tagging, categorising, auto-classification, applying AI – thus increasing efficiency and optimising the investment.

SpeedySearch – A lightning-fast search engine for ECM environments

SpeedySearch – A lightning-fast search engine for ECM environments

SpeedySearch introduce a high-performance and scalable way to interact with categorized data and we also gain complete control of how we search content. The main goal is to get search results super-fast to our end users, and we’re talking milliseconds.

A lightning-fast search engine developed for ECM’s environments that provides automatic suggestions, federated search capabilities, and keep all search response times below 2 seconds, in the worst-case scenario!

You are not alone in this! Be in the front line of digital transformation… Texter Blue is here to help you providing the best results for your clients, whether they be patients or users! Make sure you read our news and articles to be prepared for what is yet to come, and contact us.