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Federated Search: The Importance and Specific advantages

Federated search is the ability to perform searches across multiple databases, websites and other data sources and access all the results in one place. This is an uncomplicated way to describe what it is, and you can read more about it here.

News Texter Blue

Federated Search: What is and how to implement in your ECM System?

Whit the constant growth of data that keeps happening every day, some new challenges arise in companies. Information is stored in various locations, becoming fragmented, making it harder to know where to look for specific information. So, how do we overcome this challenge?

News Texter Blue

What is BPM and how can help your ECM System?

BPM stands for Business Process Management. It is a management discipline and key piece in content management systems. It uses various methods, such as technology to identify, analyze and improve processes, with the goal of automating tasks, and making them more optimized. In a few words, any combination of methods used to manage a business process is BPM.

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ECM Management: How can you optimize your ECM System?

Enterprise content management is much more than a simple piece of software.  It stands as the definition of processes, tools and strategies that allow businesses to be organized, store and deliver information. Thus, an ECM is not a single process or technology. It is a combination of various tools and strategies to manage all the information and the various processes within a company or organization. So, the question is “How can you optimize your ECM System?”.

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From Legacy to Cloud (Part 5): Move your Legacy ECM System to the Cloud – PAINLESSLY – with Texport!

Throughout this bundle of articles, we highlight the advantages of cloud-based systems, checked a variety of problems associated with maintaining on-premises ECM system, give you some reasons to migrate from a Legacy ECM System to the Cloud, and stablish some best practices to successfully migrate… now we give you the tool to do all that!

ECM repositories evolve naturally but, sometimes, the efforts and impact of a product upgrade / migration are considerable, in many ways suspending the upgrade until an “out-of-support” situation. It´s a safe approach? Yes! But it leads us to old systems that limit our innovation, flexibility, agility, and the ability to provide new functionality to stakeholders in the company. Limitations of other solutions:

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From Legacy to Cloud (Part 4): The 5 best practices to follow when moving your Legacy ECM System to the Cloud

Let us recap: we already highlight the advantages of cloud-based systems, checked a variety of problems associated with maintaining on-premises ECM system, and give you some reasons to migrate from a Legacy ECM System to the Cloud.

In fact, as your company grows, at some point you may be forced to embrace an ECM migration or upgrade. So, in this fourth part (remember this is a 5-part article), we’ll check some best practices to follow if you are considering moving your Legacy ECM System to the Cloud.