
Content Classification: 5 Real Benefits of Machine Learning to Your Organization

Let’s get to the point here… all businesses workflows, decisions and operations are made based on a data analysis. In a daily base, this data usually come from documents handled by the company’s different departments.

Now, imagine that you have a system (ECM System) that can automate the extraction of information, as well as the data analysis, from these documents! Don’t you think this can enhance your company’s key processes?


How can a Modern ECM System, and an innovation culture help your employees adjust to digital transformation?

What once was an option for the most innovative companies, is today a total must, and who stays behind will see a real struggle to survive. Yes… we’re talking about Digital Transformation, and most people are aware that this will eventually happen in their companies. Nonetheless, it’s certain that we’ll still see a generational and regional gap… for a while.

In companies, there are employees that did not grow up surrounded by technologies, and newer ones that never knew a world without them. This causes a big gap amongst companies. If companies want to implement digital transformation successfully, besides systems and workflows, they need to get their employees aligned, so it does not become a barrier.


Enterprise Content Management Systems in Healthcare: The importance of Big Data!

For the past two decades, the concept known as big data has been sliding into our businesses. However, it took a little while to show its value, as well as its great potential, to most of them. Only avant-garde entrepreneurs would implement such new and intimidating concept.  

Is nothing new that the more information and data you have, the better and more accurately you can operate, and this should be the foundation for every company in 2021. You may be thinking “Yes, this is important for high tech sectors! So, what does healthcare has to do with it?!”