Dev Diaries

Texter Blue’s Team Dev Diary #8 – The development of Texport – Alfresco Exports and Imports… with António Felix!

Here we are with the eighth issue of our team Dev Diaries Series! A series that has the objective to provide tips and tricks about the daily workflows, challenges, and learnings of a programmer/developer in a simple, disruptive and intimiste way! Don’t forget to check all our dev diaries!

For this Dev Diary number eight, we talked with Texter Blue’s Senior Consultant, and Alfresco Content Services Certified Engineer, António Felix, about the development of Texport – Alfresco Exports and Imports! Let’s check it…

Dev Diaries

Texter Blue’s Team Dev Diary #5 – The most challenging project or client to date… with António Felix!

Here we are with the fifth issue of our team Dev Diaries Series! A series that has the objective to provide tips and tricks about the daily workflows, challenges, and learnings of a programmer/developer in a simple, disruptive and intimiste way!

For this Dev Diary number five, we talked with Texter Blue’s Senior Consultant, and Alfresco Content Services Certified Engineer, António Felix, about his most challenging project to date! Let’s check it…

Dev Diaries

Texter Blue’s Team Dev Diary #2 – The Work of a Senior Consultant… with António Felix!

Welcome to the second issue of our team Dev Diaries Series!  If you want to be a programmer or get into the world of Alfresco (or other ECM), AI or Machine Learning, here is the opportunity to hear from real developers… Texter Blue’s developers!

In these series, we will provide tips and tricks about the daily workflows, challenges, and learnings of a programmer/developer, in a simple, disruptive and intimiste way. Check out all our dev diaries.

So, in this Dev Diary number two, we talked with Texter Blue’s Senior Consultant, and Alfresco Content Services Certified Engineer, António Felix, about his work! Let’s check it…