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Migrating sensitive content securely: A guide for businesses | 2) Planning for a secure data migration

Welcome to the second part in our series of articles on the topic of data migration. In case you missed part 1, you can find it here.

In this second part, we will go through the stage of planing a secure data migration.

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Migrating sensitive content securely: A guide for businesses | 1) Understanding Data Migration

Nowadays, businesses constantly generate and store sensitive data. When it’s time to move this data, whether it’s to a new database, a cloud platform, or a modern system altogether, the process is known as data migration. This undertaking involves extracting, transforming, and loading  the data while ensuring its integrity and, most importantly, its security.

In this new series of articles, we’ll discuss what data migration is, how to plan for it, the best strategies, how to ensure security during the process and some of the technologies available for it.

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Ensuring GDPR compliance during your next ECM migration

In today’s digital world, businesses rely on ECM systems to store vast amounts of customer data. But what happens when this data includes information about European residents? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brings data privacy to the forefront for companies operating in the EU, requiring them to comply with stricter regulations.

In this article we will guide you through ensuring GDPR compliance during your next ECM migration.

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The future of content migration: How AI is streamlining the process

AI is a big trend in various fields, helping improve data migration processes.

Recent studies show that AI-powered migrations massively reduce errors and speed up the process. This shows that AI-driven migrations are an effective way to enhance data handling.

Data migration, which involves moving information between systems, has traditionally been complicated. Problems like inconsistent data formats, hidden errors, security issues, and slow speeds often hinder progress and frustrate organizations.

AI has the potential to transform data migration into a smooth and efficient process. Imagine algorithms that clean up corrupted data, identify potential issues in advance, and optimize migration speeds for maximum efficiency.

In this article, we explore how AI is streamlining data migration.

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Smart Content Migration – Why Texport?

Struggling with a complex content migration? While there are several strong content migration tools available, Textport offers unique advantages that can streamline your process and deliver exceptional results.

Content Enrichment

Textport’s next iteration introduces Content Pipelines, a revolutionary feature that streamlines content management for enterprises. By leveraging targeted discovery queries during export, Content Pipelines seamlessly integrate enrichment workflows, empowering you to automate complex tasks and transform your content management process.

Within these workflows, a multitude of capabilities awaits…

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Why (and how to) automate ECM data migration?

The use of automation has proven to enhance efficiency and consistency. Research indicates that globally, office workers spend a significant portion of their year on administrative tasks, costing companies large amounts annually. By reducing the time spent on manual tasks, through automation, employees can focus more on strategic activities, potentially increasing productivity

Migrating data either to a new system, or to the cloud, doesn’t need to be a hassle.

In this article, we’ll discuss why and how to automate data migration.