News Texter Blue

Auto-classification: How to automate data enrichment processes?

Technology keeps evolving every day, and with the vast amounts of data and documents collected by companies, new and improved solutions need to be found to automate everything.

With AI and Machine Learning, many innovative solutions are appearing, improving the classification of documents, data recognition and enrichment (based on the content of the file) and search capabilities. Thus, optimizing companies’ workflows.

News Texter Blue

How to Automate document classification with AI?

When processing diverse types of documents, it’s important to have a way to classify them in their respective types. By having everything properly classified, you can improve your workflow, by directing the specific documents to the right team-members for process, or for your AI to extract data.

There are two methods of document classification: of course, Manual classification; and Automated classification (powered by AI).

Even though smaller organizations are used to employ the manual process, which isn’t done without fail. It’s a time-consuming process and very prone to human error.

So, to optimize the entire process, automated classification with AI is the best option to take. And how can you do that? Well, let’s see…

News Texter Blue

Automated Data Extraction: How AI & Machine Learning automate document processing?

The definition of data extraction is “the task of automatically extracting data from unstructured or semi-structured documents”. With the advancements in technology, this task gets more important with each passing day. But, if the data is unstructured, how can it be processed automatically?

News Texter Blue

Artificial Intelligence: How to make it greener and efficient?

The environmental impact of human acts in the planet, and the impact of our technology is a subject that has been discussed a lot in the last years. Environmental problems, leading to climate changes is, in fact, a huge problem that we must produce solutions… and fast.

A study made back in 2019, from the Allen Institute for AI, argued for the prioritization of “Green AI” efforts that focus on the energy efficiency of AI systems. In this study we can read that “The computations required for deep learning research have been doubling every few months…” and that “These computations have a surprisingly large carbon footprint…”.

News Texter Blue

Texter Blue’s top 3 Enterprise Storage Trends to Watch

Digital transformation is headline everywhere! In fact, in the last couple of years, we’ve been pushed forward to this new reality, driven by the “no contact” policy, mandatory because of the COVID pandemic. This expanded technology beyond, to remote working, to learning and even entertainment.

Now, the pandemic seems controlled (at least we hope so), but companies didn’t hold on their digital migration efforts. People has adapted, and a lot of us still work and study from home!


Empowering Financial Institutions with Enterprise Content Management Systems

Digital transformation is rocketing all over Financial Institutions. Mobile banking and AI-powered customer service are two great solutions for banking services. Aside this, content management is still a pain point for these companies.   

Financial services are handling a great load of transactions that require document processing, and most of these documents contain sensitive information. Thus, security and efficiency are two main concerns for both decision-makers and customers.