News Texter Blue

Financial Benefits of Cloud Migration in 2023 and beyond!

Throughout the globe, various organizations are exchanging outdated on-site technology for adaptable, scalable, and budget-friendly solutions hosted in the cloud. As numerous enterprises transition to the cloud to expedite innovation and enhance security measures, they seek robust cloud migration options to kickstart their journey to the cloud more swiftly and affordably.

While the concept of ‘operating in the cloud’ may initially appear complex, its financial advantages are abundantly evident. Whether you’re a startup aiming to streamline operations or an established enterprise seeking to optimize your budget, cloud migration has proven itself as a key driver of financial success in 2023.

With that in mind, in this article, we’ll tell you about 7 financial benefits of cloud migration in 2023.

News Texter Blue

Defining Intelligent Data Migration & five real benefits!

Data migration is a common IT process that consists of moving data from one location to another. While it’s a complex and time-consuming process, it’s often necessary for businesses to migrate their data to new systems or storage locations. With the use of AI, many of the tasks can be automated, such as identifying and classifying data as well as moving it between different systems. This in turn saves time and resources while reducing the risk of human error.

News Texter Blue

Document Classification #3: Applications in day-to-day operations!

In the final part of our article on Document classification, we’ll explore day-to-day applications and use cases. Be sure to read part 1 and part 2!

News Texter Blue

Document Classification #2: Supervised, Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Classification

In part 2 of our 3-part article on Document classification we’ll delve into the several types of document classification. If you didn’t read the first part, you can check it out here!

News Texter Blue

Breaking News!!! The new release of Texport is as HOT as the upcoming summer!

Breaking News!!! The new release of Texport is as HOT as the upcoming summer!

The latest and greatest release of Texport includes connectors to well-known sources, such as: Documentum; SharePoint; FileNet; LiveLink; Amazon S3; Confluence; CMIS; DropBox; Email; Jira; Google Drive; JDBC… and many others.

News Texter Blue

Data Catalog: The benefits and how to evaluate a data catalog!

A data catalog is the foundation for you organization to be a data-first and data-enabled organization. It enables the entire body of data to concentrate all relevant data assets in entries, making all relevant information accessible in one place.

Those entries include definitions, descriptions, information on responsible individuals and much more, simplifying the search process and helping identify the data assets needed for any purpose.