News Texter Blue

Artificial Intelligence as a key component of Federated Search.

Federated search is the ability to perform searches across multiple databases, websites and other data sources and access all the results in one place. You can read more about it, in our previous article here and about its specific advantages here.

It’s true that this is a subject that we talk often, mostly because its importance! Today, we will continue discuss this matter, and give you important insights about how Artificial Intelligence act as a key component of Federated Search…

News Texter Blue

Data Cleaning: What is and how to clean your data?

We’ve written about the vast amounts of data that organizations collect and process daily. Now, we dive into Data Cleaning! An important matter if your organization wants to process and analyse high quality data.

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Federated Search: The Importance and Specific advantages

Federated search is the ability to perform searches across multiple databases, websites and other data sources and access all the results in one place. This is an uncomplicated way to describe what it is, and you can read more about it here.

News Texter Blue

On-Premises Scaling Vs. Cloud Scaling: The differences, the investment and which one to choose?

Previously we’ve written about Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling. Today, we’ll delve into on-premises vs cloud scaling and what it means for your business.

Many businesses have adopted cloud solutions for their systems. Online services demands can fluctuate in uncontrollable ways. The inability to meet the demands might be the reason for customers to choose a competitor over you. The question is: “how this issue can be mitigated in a cost-effective way?” – There are two options: On-premises; and cloud scaling solutions! Let’s compare…

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Intelligent Document Processing (IDP): Extracting and organizing information from any document format

The pressure on businesses to become more efficient and better optimized keep increasing every day. To achieve such goals, many companies keep investing in digital transformation, exploring innovative technologies to get ahead on their competition. One such technology is Intelligent Document Processing (IDP).

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Auto-classification: How to automate data enrichment processes?

Technology keeps evolving every day, and with the vast amounts of data and documents collected by companies, new and improved solutions need to be found to automate everything.

With AI and Machine Learning, many innovative solutions are appearing, improving the classification of documents, data recognition and enrichment (based on the content of the file) and search capabilities. Thus, optimizing companies’ workflows.