There is a growing trend towards migrating from on-premises systems to the cloud. Migrating your content can be tricky. It requires a lot of planning and preparation. There are some aspects that need to be considered before the process even starts.
Tag: Alfresco
Federated search is the ability to perform searches across multiple databases, websites and other data sources and access all the results in one place. This is an uncomplicated way to describe what it is, and you can read more about it here.
Previously we’ve written about Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling. Today, we’ll delve into on-premises vs cloud scaling and what it means for your business.
Many businesses have adopted cloud solutions for their systems. Online services demands can fluctuate in uncontrollable ways. The inability to meet the demands might be the reason for customers to choose a competitor over you. The question is: “how this issue can be mitigated in a cost-effective way?” – There are two options: On-premises; and cloud scaling solutions! Let’s compare…
With the constant growth of data, your systems will also need to grow. That is one of the definitions of scalability. Systems might be scaled up, down or out. Another definition might be the ability of your system to adapt to the current and future demands. With this demand, comes some details that you need to understand, that either they are involved with scalability or are options available to you.
Many organizations are switching over to newer and more modern ECM systems. With that, comes the task of migrating content from the “old” platform to the new one.
The migration process can be time-consuming and expensive since many organizations have millions (or trillions) of documents. But with AI, that daunting task is much faster and easier.
Texport is a tool that was built to migrate content between Alfresco repositories, in the most easy and clean way possible. It was developed with a special focus on doing a fast migration even of repositories with large data sets.
As a “deep dive”, the objective of this article is to explain in a more specific and technical way, how it works. Nonetheless, if you want, you can check more generic information about the Texport tool in here!