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Metadata Management Tool: What it Is and How Does it Work?

We’ve wrote about metadata before (here it is, in case you missed it). Simply put, metadata summarizes basic information about data, making it easier to find and to use specific instances of data. Every single piece of data contain metadata, and managing it can be a daunting task, that’s why there are tools available to manage it, in turn making your life easier.

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Data Privacy, Data Protection, and Compliance: Here are the differences!

No doubt that one of the greatest’s assets today is data. So, as consumers provide significant amounts of data to businesses, Data Privacy, Data Protection, and Compliance, became a major subject.

Data Privacy, Data Protection, and Compliance – all these are similar, but not the same. Most IT professionals use these terms interchangeably. The reason for that is somewhat simple, data protection deals with privacy, data privacy deals with protection and both detail compliance requirements. So, let’s expand on each term individually!

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Alfresco ECM Migration: What to consider?

There is a growing trend towards migrating from on-premises systems to the cloud. Migrating your content can be tricky. It requires a lot of planning and preparation. There are some aspects that need to be considered before the process even starts.

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Unstructured Data: How to unlock its Power with AI?!

In today’s digital world, the ability to collect, analyse and process data is one of the most principal factors for any organization, due to the vital role that data plays in day-to-day company decisions. With that, the amount of data generated keeps increasing, and with it the challenges of processing such amounts of data.

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How to Automate document classification with AI?

When processing diverse types of documents, it’s important to have a way to classify them in their respective types. By having everything properly classified, you can improve your workflow, by directing the specific documents to the right team-members for process, or for your AI to extract data.

There are two methods of document classification: of course, Manual classification; and Automated classification (powered by AI).

Even though smaller organizations are used to employ the manual process, which isn’t done without fail. It’s a time-consuming process and very prone to human error.

So, to optimize the entire process, automated classification with AI is the best option to take. And how can you do that? Well, let’s see…

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What is BPM and how can help your ECM System?

BPM stands for Business Process Management. It is a management discipline and key piece in content management systems. It uses various methods, such as technology to identify, analyze and improve processes, with the goal of automating tasks, and making them more optimized. In a few words, any combination of methods used to manage a business process is BPM.