
Cloud Content Management – All you need to know!

The core of traditional Content Management was always about minimizing the risks and fulfil the legal obligations. It had no saying in productivity or efficiency. Lucky for us, times changed, and productivity is now a very important part of a company strategy. Each day, efficient ways of working appear, and data and information turned into a big asset, that need to flow throughout processes and departments.


How an ECM System can benefit your company?

In this hustling world, everyone and every company has the ultimate goal to be the best. The pressure to be at the top and keep reinventing is real. Actually, we have already been discussing this subject in past articles.

Let us focus on the practical side of the coin. You already know that to be productive, you need to have an efficient content management system in your company. But what are the real benefits?! Sometimes this can seem a little blurry.


Do I need to take my ECM to the Cloud?

We know that there are still many companies using Legacy ECM Systems. This is more and more limiting, has we shift to a digital content era, powered by AI and Machine Learning. Not only that, but your security may be compromised as well, as these systems are failing more and more.

And what are most companies doing to respond to that?! Well, most of them are moving their systems to the cloud! This has been happening, thus slowly, but it is evident that this is the next step to take towards being competitive and increasing productivity.


Content classification – Easier with AI

Once upon a time, companies stored and processed data through traditional means… by hand. This is an extremely painful process that implies taking a huge number of documents, scanning, and organizing according to their category. Just reading it already gives us headaches!